Thursday, January 08, 2009

Justice for All

Many seek an audience with a ruler, but it is from the Lord that man gets justice.
- Proverbs 29:26

I want to be heard, Lord. I always want to tell my side of a situation so an authority can vindicate me. But it is You, Lord, who should receive my call for justice. You are the judge of my soul and my life - why should I seek out any other rulers? In the same way, help me to resist determining the fate of another. It is not my right to stand in Your place.
Lord, guide me in Your ways when there is conflict. Fill me with wisdom, honesty, and courage, and let me rely on their strength if I am accused. Keep me blameless so no harm is brought to Your name. Guard my heart from resentment if I am not treated fairly. May I live out forgiveness and faith, anticipating the justice of love I will receive when in Your presence.

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