Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Hey, not much. I think the flare up is dying down (I hope). My hands and feet are still being affected, as is my balance.
Yesterday was bad and it seemed like i was overmedicated, though I wasn't. I felt so sick just sitting there I thought I'd fall out of my chair. But then I had lunch and felt a little better, enough to stay the rest of the day, though I didn't feel good enough to be driving. I think it's all due to the sinus infection my body is currently fighting as well. I'm just starting to get over it, but caughing when I lay down still. Don't worry I'm staying well medicated at night. Unfortunately that means Chris has had to take care of the midnight puppy outings. Sorry, Chris.
But he's been a dear about it, and like I said, I think I'm getting better. To recap:
Hands & feet and legs are still numb
dizziness & balance problems
Sinus throat caugh & drainage
But it's all getting better. :)

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