Thursday, January 04, 2007

Minor Flaire Up

Today I had a minor flair up... I guess I should say Last Night. When I went to bed I noticed my right big toe was numb, in the way that I can't even tell that I have it other than the resistance the rest of my foot got when I pushed it against the wall. Through the night I noticed more and more parts that were numb in the tingly way (not the "not there" way, on most of them). Up the back of my legs, mainly the right, my midsection, and up my spine (which slightly spreads across my back). It's nothing big, DO NOT WORRY! Just updating you and keeping it journaled somewhere so I don't forget.
It kept me home today, and I definetly needed the rest.
I'm trying to think of what I did the day before that might have caused it. I had a Diet Dr Pepper, instead of regular, and couldn't get through it.. the nutrisweet was too much for me. And I had that provigil that made my heart pound so fast... could be a combination of the both... it did make things weird.
Anyway, my feet are numb, and things will get better. I'm resting out the day. and going to bed for the night. Things should be good enough in the morning so that I can go to work... even if it's just for one day, which will be good, cause then if it's hard, I can rest the next day (saturday).

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