Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Give me a hand

Alright, the flair up is officially on a role!
Don't worry, I've called Dr. E and left a message. He's calling me back soon.
I'm dizzy and falling into walls today, more so than usual. That's not the big part: My hand (right hand) is quickly going stiff-numb. and my left hand, pinky and first diget on ring, is soon following.
I'm scared that he'll recommend the IV again. I know it sounds trite but... just give me a pill to fix it.
I'm sure this is the hump before I'm over the hill, because my eye actually got quite better after I took a nap yesterday. I think I just need some proper sleep... which is kind of hard with the puppy, and I can't expect Chris to do more than what he's already been doing for me.
It's just going to take time to adjust to the new schedule for all of us and all our parts.
I'm sure I'll be better by the end of next week... one way or another

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