This last weekend hasn't been bad, but it's been an odd one. Katie and I went bowling on Friday, but I got so weak I couldn't bowl my normal 10 and 11 pound balls. I had to wearily bowl a 9 pound, which is the smallest ball they allow adults to bowl with. It wasn't a problem except I was so off balance with everything my score was cut in half. I kept trying my luck with the heavier balls, but I stopped after one point where I just sat down and pushed the ball down the lane.
It was a weird fatigue, nothing major. Just felt odd because of the weakness.
And since then I've had balance problems that eventually led to the last few days of drop foot. It's made me recieve a number of looks and comments from fellow workers. Basically if I'm not over-compensating for it by marching everywhere, I look like I'm drunk.... or drunk marching. It's been interesting, but it's keepin my balance and feet from dragging that's more on my mind than any comment.
It was worse on Tuesday when my legs felt like they were asleep... it's more so in my right leg.
I'm in debate about a chiropractor or not for this job.
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