Monday, August 28, 2006

IV League

I've recently become the newest member of the MS IV League! No, I'm not going of to some brick adorned college of yore. I'm just currently experiencing my first major flaire-up.
I get to walk around with a tube in my arm for the next few days. Every day at 4:30pm Chris and I settle in to relax and watch a movie while a gravity cathiter drips liquid medicine through my veins for two hours. This treatment is apparetly common for people fighting the MonSter.
It is rather nice that I did get pricked with a needle only once. But I should have chose my arms wiser. Note: Don't pick your dominant arm for an IV that's going to stay in for longer than a day... or hour.
It's kind of funny, because if I do have to go to the hospital for, God forbid, anything I come fully equiped and ready to drip. No needles needed. Hmm... maybe I should just keep it in for a while. Or maybe we should all be installed with IV's so we don't have to worry about that darn needle! Or maybe, I should just lay off the typing until the medicine stops making me loopy.
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.
Night, folks.

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