Friday, January 03, 2020

MRI IV Bruising

I had an MRI a week ago. I spent a week and a half drinking at least 64 oz of water every day. And it seemed to have paid off a little. The IV only needed one poke, even though she had to squirm it around a bit so it hurt a lot and bruised.
I had to get my brain and spine done with contrast. By the time it got to my last round (spine with contrast) I couldn’t stay still. My muscles kept giving me spasms. 
I got the email with the written results, and it reconfirmed that I had moved too much for the spine. Which is unfortunate because it’s what the doctor wanted to see. Oh well. 
This is today, a week after the IV:

A couple of days ago, I noticed the bruise moving toward my hand:

The day after shot, after I took the bandage off:

At home, day of MRI:

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