Monday, March 09, 2009

President Obama to lift Stem Cell Ban

President Obama is signing an executive order today lifting some stem sell research restrictions. This is a good thing for MS research as well as Alzheimer's, cancer, ALS, Parkinson's... and a whole laundry list of other bad things.

There was an interview of Michelle Obama a few weeks ago and she said her father died of MS. I assume she meant he died from MS related complications. Either way, I think lifting the ban on stem cell research will have great benefits from people suffering from all sorts of diseases, including all of the autoimmune diseases. It is fabulous news for all of us.

I'm hesitant to be an advocate for all types of stem cell research, due to the moral dilemma placed behind it. I'd rather stem cell research came from the placenta. The placenta is the uterine lining that provides nutrients to the embryo. It is discarded at birth. I think with the number of live births, this can be a very useful thing; and it would be indicative of the research capabilities.

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