Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Oklahoma Allergies

One bad thing about moving back to Oklahoma is the allergies. Both Chris and I are experiencing bad allergies of the nighttime. We both caugh really badly, and when we breath, it sounds like we're whistling. It is not good.
It got so bad I went to Walgreens last night and talked to the pharmasist. He sugested Musinex DM, or the off brand, so we got the Walgreens brand, and it's worked great. It does knock you out, so watch out. I'm still stuffed up in my sinus cavities, but not as badly... I can at least breath through one side. As long as I don't breath out my mouth I don't whistle, and it doesn't hurt like it did.
I'm still going to try and get us both in to see an allergy specialist. I think I saw one here in Owasso.

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