Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Numb and Groggy Puppy

On and off for the last week and a half my torso has been numb. It's not a big thing, this is just one of the symptoms I'm learning to live with. Also this week I've started to notice that my right hand, finger tips mainly, are numb (tingly). Now my left hand's finger tips are the same way. I jokingly think that this is due to my new obsession Bejeweled 2. I'm officially addicted. I know that it is the reason I'm so tired all day, because I play it endlessly until 11 at night, which I'm trying to kick that habit.
Also Pixi just got spayed yesterday. She was groggy all night, but this morning she still tried to jump up on me. So she is feeling better. :)

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