Thursday, March 15, 2018

Round of steroids

Since the Monday before this Monday I’ve been having an episode.  I woke up and thought I was just out of joint from sleeping in the bed funny ( C had rotated the mattress and I was just coming back from a trip so a different bed over the weekend). So my left fingers were numb and my right leg had pins and needles. The next day I was walking with a limp due to the left side and my arm was not functioning right. I started taking some cbd that Tuesday and I could feel it work within 30 minutes but not take things away completely.  Wednesday came and went and I was worse. By Thursday I couldn’t grip anything and my fingers were turning blue on and off. That’s when I decided the cbd just wouldn’t cut it. I needed steroids. So I called dr w Friday and got a prescription. Slowly I’ve been getting my grip and walk back. I can’t run yet. Not that I’m much of a runner anyway!  But it feels like I have a rubber glove on as far as feeling anything with my left hand. But I know it’s getting better so that’s what counts. It’ll probably be 3-5 more days before I’m all the way back to normal. The biggest side effects have been depression and itchyness. I have been really down and don’t want to do anything but sleep last couple of days. My appetite isn’t bad so that’s good. I think the itchiness is from the nerves being reactivated.