I worry... I worry a lot. I hear the radio, but it's not on. I hear a conversation, and it's not in my head. I follow the sound, it has a source of nothing. But I swear it's from right over there. It just makes me more paranoid. Is someone there?
I know I should take my medicine, but it's to the point now that I'm afraid. And I know it's stupid to be afraid, but I am. What if it's the wrong medication? I need to know for sure. But I need to know soon, and durring the day I dont want to think about all the things I think about. I don't want to feel the way I feel when I get mad or angry or upset. I just want to happy times. So no, I dont call the doctor, because the doctor wont be able to see me right away. They'll want me to start my medicine without testing to see if it's right. It's not right... it can't be.
It makes me feel so numb, not like the other stuff, but just blah. No ups... no downs.... no nothing. just blah. I want to be happy. I want to be organized. I want to just be rid of the rest of the stuff. I hate going in and they look at me like I'm crazy. I'm not, but I don't know what I am. I don't want them to judge me, so I don't want to tell them how I feel, or what I think, or what I hear. I'm not crazy. But that's what I fear.
Is it wrong I feel the way I do? There are so many questions that I can't control. Can I just curl up into a ball and stay there. just let the world move around me.
Give me peace. Give me rest.
But my children... I love them, but they torture me so. I know they don't mean to, which makes it even harder. If I knew they meant to do the stuff they do, I mean, really mean to do it... spitefully, I would just leave. I would just up and go. I've thought about it plenty of times... just leaving. Just riding myself of all this stuff, all the problems, and worries on my mind. But then I think about them, and yes, they are some of those things, but I don't think I could leave them. I don't want to miss them or any part of their lives. But I want to feel better and I think the only way for me to do so is to get far away from mine. I ask for patience, I ask for help. All I feel is guilt and sadness. I don't want ot leave them, but I need to get away. Just for a little while.
I wish I could pause time so I could go away and when I came back nothing will have changed or happened. They will not have grown up any or aged, and I won't have missed a moment of their lives. But I fear saying stuff like that too because that isn't how reality works, and when something doesn't grow up or age it is dead... and I do not want that for my children. The thought scares me to even think the words. Protect them while I'm gone. Protect them from me. I just want to run and go, but I don't even know where. I'm just so tired. Leave me alone.